Landscape Photo Competition No 3
Mark of Excellence - I shot it.com My picture from Vestrahorn got a "Mark of Excellence" in the last landscape competition. Again the...
DVF Landesfotoschau 2016 / Rheinland
DVF Landesfotoschau 2016 / Rheinland 5. Platz bei der Landesfotoschau mit einer Urkunde und 4 Annahmen. 6 Punkte habe ich erhalten, Platz...

Europafoto Competition
I have won the landscape competition from europafoto.de. I will get a Sony Alpha 6000 which is signed by Manuel Neuer best goalkeeper in...

Wowwww, I'm a "Rock Star"...;) ViewBug says that to me:

SIPA Photo Contest - Finalist
Great to see that 3 of 15 Images in category "Nature" went into Final of "Siena International Photocontest Awards" (SIPA-Contest). Cool,...

MIFA 2016
Great success at "Moscow International Photo Awards 2016". My picture from Godafoss got the 3.Place in Category "Panoramic". Toller...

SIPA Contest - Semi-Finalist
10 of my 15 images in Category "Nature" are choosen as Semi-Finalists: 10 meiner 15 Bilder in der Kategorie "Nature" sind als...

Nominee @ Fineart Photo Awards
Two of my pictures got a "Nominee" at the Fineart Photography Awards 2016: 2 meiner Bilder erhielten bei den diesjährigen Fineart...

NORR Reisefotograf
Proud to see today that I am nominated as one of 5 "NORR Reisefotografen". Maybe I can win a trip to Norway! Stolz kann ich berichten,...

Publication in NaturFoto 6/16
Latest publication and 3rd Place at theme "Bergwelten", NaturFoto 6/16: Neueste Veröffentlichung und zugleich 3.Platz beim Thema...