Merian November 2017
Latest publication Im aktuellen Merian Heft "Island" bin ich mit einem Bild vertreten. Hatte den Monatswettewerb gewonnen über Cewe Foto.

Blende Fotowettbewerb
1. Place regional "Blende 2017" photo competition category"Planet Erde – Schützenswertes"

6. best picture at DigitalPHOTO Magazin
One of my images was choosen as the 6. best picture of the year in DigitalPHOTO Magazin:

Mifa 2017
Honorable Mention at Moscow International Foto Awards (Mifa) 2017

Photo + Adventure 2017
Yesterday I did visit the Photo+Adventure in Duisburg (Germany). Lifefoto - M. Verhoelen showed several of my picture on wonderful MOAB...

Latest Awards
Today I received my copy of the book from competition "Glanzlichter 2017" with my awarded picture "der Stern" and a short story about it....

Awards from Greece
Best Award ever! Eine echte Büste aus Griechenland und ein FIAP Blue-Pin für den besten Teilnehmer des Salons. Mein 2. FIAP Blue-Pin...

OASIS Photo Contest
Great news from Italy! I was awarded 2 times with a highlight in Category "Open Natura". I am really, really happy about that!!! Tolle...

GEO - Picture of the month
My Picture from Vestrahorn was picture of the month february at GEO online. Now they printed it in GEO 5/2017! Never thought that one of...

FEP - Bronze Camera
Great news from Sicily. I was nominated for the landscape categoory and during the award ceremony on the 2nd of April I was awarded with...